Your Production Partner
in Custom-Made Wear & Gear

Hello, Hallo, Hola, Hallo, Salut, Ciao, Hej, Halla, Hei, Buna Ziua, Zdravo, Sveiki,
Olé Group is the best solution when it comes to creating your teamwear, streetwear, leisurewear, casual-wear or merchandise collections.
Many decades we have delivered our wear and gear to brands/private-labels all over the world.
The key to our success? We make the process easy and we’ll help you with small batches or/and full-container-load quantities.

Let us help you create great merchandise
Get in touch with us to start creating your own collection or amplifying your brand.
We will help you every step on the way through the process.

Olé Group is proud of its family heritage
As a free, independent player, we combine the domestic resources of Pakistan with a European management.
A multi-cultural team of more than 48 employees is writing the Ole Group story as we speak.
Consistently innovating, growing and topping the sports-and fashion industry demands.
Resulting in an innovative and pioneering soccer ball and textile enterprise specializing in professional and promotional wear and gear.